

89 Uppsatser om Warming mattress - Sida 1 av 6

Produktutveckling av komfortlösning till lastbilshytt

This report describes a project carried out in cooperation with Klippan Safety AB. The purpose of this project has been to develop a product that facilitates the living area in a truck cabin for the customers. To be able to develop, in a structured way, that kind of product, the project has been based on different product development theories. The project contained of following parts: marketing research, product generation, product evaluation and prototyping. After information from the marketing research and discussions with the company, the decision was made that the task was going to consist an improvement of the existing product referred to as 'the comfort module'.

Förebyggande av hypotermi under narkos på hund och katt: vad görs på svenska djursjukhus idag, och vilka evidens finns för olika behandlingsmetoder?

Hypothermia during anaesthesia is a well-known phenomenon that may cause several side-effects such as greater risk of postoperative wound infection and increased risk of heart complications. The most efficient way to avoid this is to prevent hypothermia from occurring. The aim of this paper was to compile the research on the most efficient way to prevent hypothermia during anaesthesia for cats and dogs, and to compare these results to how Swedish animal hospitals prevent hypothermia today. To investigate this, a survey was sent out to several animal hospitals around Sweden to see what methods they used to prevent hypothermia in their clinics. It is difficult if not impossible to prevent the body temperature from falling slightly when anaesthesia is induced because of the drug interactions in the body that follow from the drugs given. A 1-1,5°C decrease in body temperature is to be expected and is difficult to avoid.

Den globala uppvärmningen i skolans läromedel : En jämförande studie av sponsrade och förlagsutgivna läromedel

Today the talk about global warming and climate change are on top of the public agenda. There for schools and schoolbooks also debate the issue of global warming. A newcomer on the school stage is the sponsored school materials that studies show to be a growing phenomenon. In a debate like that of global warming which is filled with uncertainties and so much political and economic interest, I find it interesting to study how these schoolbooks talk about the issue.In my study I have tried to analyze and compare how school materials for primary school discuss the phenomenon of global warming. I have compared two different types of schoolbooks.

Genetisk artbestämning och karaktärisering av Trypanosoma theileri

Global warming is one of the most debated environmental issues right now, and it could be argued that it is important to study how the phenomenon is treated in schools. The main purpose of this study is to put students? knowledge about global warming in relation with the control documents for chemistry, biology and physics studies. Interviews have been conducted with six students in the 9th grade. The conclusion of the survey indicates that the students generally have a satisfying knowledge about the phenomenon and that they know how they should behave from an environmental perspective..

Global uppvärmning : A survey of students? knowledge about the phenomenon

Global warming is one of the most debated environmental issues right now, and it could be argued that it is important to study how the phenomenon is treated in schools. The main purpose of this study is to put students? knowledge about global warming in relation with the control documents for chemistry, biology and physics studies. Interviews have been conducted with six students in the 9th grade. The conclusion of the survey indicates that the students generally have a satisfying knowledge about the phenomenon and that they know how they should behave from an environmental perspective..

Ett designprojekt med fokus på för tidigt födda barns emotionella behov i kuvös

Babies born prematurely are deprived of normal sensorimotor stimulation when placed in an artificial environment, the incubator. The aim of this project was to design a series of products that could promote the baby?s emotional and neurological development, and to facilitate parental bonding. The products designed in this project has a theoretical basis on the research available today on cognitive and emotional development in children born prematurely. They were developed in close cooperation with a group of parents and nurses in a neonatal intensive care unit.Presence is a product collection for developmental care, consisting of a mattress, a figure and a necklace. The mattress has vibration sensors that transfer the mother?s heart beat and speakers with recorded heartbeat and her voice.

Produktutveckling av en storleksreducerbar gästsäng

This report is a result of a degree thesis at Luleå University of Technology together with Stram AB in Växjö. The project aimed to develop a size reducible bed, that gets small when folded and has a new slim design. The development of the new folding bed had the purpose to give Stram AB new ideas of how guest beds can look like and be used in the future. Information about Stram´s products and also information of other similar products on the market was gathered. A visit at a store, internet and interviews gave grater insight of the market, and of customer needs.

Effekt av värmemadrass efter ECC-inducerad hypotermi vid hjärtkirurgi : -En kvasiexperimentell pilotstudie

Bakgrund: Vid hjärtkirurgi kyls patienten via ECC (extracorporeal circulation) till 32-34 °C för att minska metabolismen och syrekonsumtionen i vävnaderna. Efter att operationen är klar är det viktigt patienten blir normoterm då hypotermi medför många negativa effekter.Syfte: Att undersöka om värmemadrassen Inditherm Alpha® hjälper patienten att hålla en normal kroppstemperatur efter ECC-avslut samt om andra faktorer, dels demografiska, dels procedurrelaterade, kan påverka utfallet av uppmätt kroppstemperatur.Metod: Femtiofem patienter som genomgick elektiv CABG och/eller klaffoperation med ECC-inducerad hypotermi inkluderades konsekutivt. Undersökningsgruppen (n=29) genomgick kirurgi med värmemadrassen Inditherm Alpha® medan jämförelsegruppen (n=26) genomgick kirurgi utan värmemadrass. Grupperna var jämnt fördelade i alla avseenden förutom kön.Resultat: Flertalet patienter sjönk i kroppstemperatur efter ECC-avslut (p < 0,0001) men majoriteten av patienterna var normoterma vid ankomst till intensivvårdsavdelningen. Undersökningsgruppen hade inte högre kroppstemperatur vid något mättillfälle jämfört med jämförelsegruppen.

Global uppvärmning : gymnasieelevers oro och kunskap

Global warming is generally recognized as one of the major environmental challenges we have to face in the near future. The students in school today are the ones that will have to deal with the consequences of it tomorrow. That is why education about it is so important. Previous research shows that students believe that environmental issues in general are important problems to be solved. I this study I tested students in grade twelve, in four different schools in order to find out what their level of knowledge about global warming is, how worried they are about it and if there are any correlation between their knowledge and their level of worry.

Deloittes konkurrensstrategier : Försäljning av ekonomisk fastighetsförvaltning åt bostadsrättsföreningar

The aim of this study is to find out in which way the education about climate in school is taught and how the students experience the world situation today. There are various theories about the greenhouse effect and its origin and these theories should be addressed to ensure that students get a broader understanding of how climate change occurs. This includes the natural phenomena and also the human impact on climate change. Students in school are a source of concern that only human are the cause of global warming, and know little or almost nothing about the natural phenomena of global warming.  I will mention what has emphasized in the national steering documents in the case of environmental education at school.I have used a qualitative method, where interviews and document analysis were used as techniques. The interviews took place with five students in ninth grade and with three science teachers in the same school..

Den globala uppvärmningen : vad kommer att hända med morgondagens värld?

Mankind faces a serious threat. Its activities, for example the burning of fossil fuels, have led to an enhancement of the greenhouse effect - something that has given rise to a global warming. The climate is becoming warmer, a change that has important effects on the nature as well as for humans and their society. Sea level rising, extreme temperatures are becoming more common, glaciers and other ice caps melt and storms becomes more intense when they appear. The main cause is the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere - carbon dioxide in particular.

Elevers syn på klimatfrågan : Klimatundervsiningen i skolan

The aim of this study is to find out in which way the education about climate in school is taught and how the students experience the world situation today. There are various theories about the greenhouse effect and its origin and these theories should be addressed to ensure that students get a broader understanding of how climate change occurs. This includes the natural phenomena and also the human impact on climate change. Students in school are a source of concern that only human are the cause of global warming, and know little or almost nothing about the natural phenomena of global warming.  I will mention what has emphasized in the national steering documents in the case of environmental education at school.I have used a qualitative method, where interviews and document analysis were used as techniques. The interviews took place with five students in ninth grade and with three science teachers in the same school..

Är Grönt Skönt?: En studie om hur effekten av grön marknadsföring påverkas av förekomsten av miljöargument inom produktkategorin

Al Gore may have helped put global warming on the agenda. However, it is not a new subject. Neither is so called green marketing a new phenomenon within branding and communication. As more and more companies establish environmental strategies there exist beliefs that the environmental focus is becoming a triviality, which is the reason for this study. Implementation of words such as ?environmentally friendly?, ?green? and ?global warming? is becoming more and more widespread and frequently used within marketing communication.

Metodundersökning av tre metoder för kvävemätning i en arktisk äng : Jämförelse mellan mätmetoderna extraktion, inkubation och jonbytesmembran (PRS-sond)

The purpose with this report was to compare three commonly occurring methods for measuring plant available nitrogen in soils. The methods extraction, incubation and Plant root simulator (PRS) probe - an ion exchange membrane (Western Ag Innovations, Inc., Saskatoon, Canada) method were used and comparison between these methods were conducted. A full factorial experiment were set up in northern Finland with the treatments excluding herbivores, warming and fertilization to see how the inorganic nitrogen content in the soil was effected by the treatments. Soil cores were taken and from them a subsample was incubated for 18 days and thereafter analyzed for inorganic N in laboratory. PRS- probes were in the ground for 1 month.

Livscykelanalys: Förbränning av hushållsavfall kontra biogas : miljömässiga och ekonomiska perspektiv med utgångspunkt i Oskarshamns kommun

Är det möjligt att reducera utsläppen av växthusgaser och samtidigt nå en hållbar utveckling? Regionförbundet i Kalmar län antog utmaningen 2006 och är därmed en föregångsregion i arbetet med detta. Till år 2030 är målet att Kalmar län ska bli en fossilbränslefri region. Den största potentialen anses finnas inom nya alternativ till fordonsbränsle. Hushållens sopor innehåller organiskt matavfall som skulle kunna bli fordonsgas.

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